Writing, Research, and Policy
Project Manager
In 2016, Ivan also worked for River Docs LLC, a bioengineering firm specializing in riverine system restoration. His work involved researching the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Goals and Guidelines, specifically whether the Goals and Guidelines were flexible enough to allow to advanced bioengineering techniques and other adaptations in the face of climate change effects. The resulting policy brief was presented by River Docs to the Oregon Coastal Caucus, a group of Oregon State Representatives and Senators from Oregon's coastal districts. The brief was well received and convinced the Coastal Caucus of the need to revise certain aspects of the Goals and Guidelines. Ivan was the principal author of the policy brief.
Legislative Assistant
Representative David Gomberg (D-Otis), Oregon House District 10
Ivan worked for Representative David Gomberg during the 2016 Legislative Session. It was an exciting and fast-paced introduction to Salem politics and the full legislative process. Ivan was fortunate enough to work for Rep. Gomberg, a coastal democrat who approached issues thoughtfully and worked with colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Ivan's duties included researching and tracking legislation, writing policy briefs, constituent outreach and casework, correspondence drafting, managing Rep. Gomberg's schedule, liaising with elected officials and their staff, and administrative and clerical duties as needed.
Master's Essay
Committee members: Flaxen Conway, Scott Akins, and Lori Cramer
Ivan's master's essay was titled "Today, tomorrow, and every day after that: How commercial salmon fishermen in Bristol Bay, Alaska define and work towards a sustainable salmon fishery." Ivan defended his essay on May 29th, 2015. It was the first essay in his program's history to be accepted without post-defense edits.
Project Coordination Assistant/Researcher
Oregon State University Policy Analysis Laboratory (OPAL)
Between September 2014 and June 2015, Ivan took on a secondary work assignment through his master's program, this time with the Oregon State University Policy Analysis Laboratory (OPAL). At OPAL, Ivan was part of an interdisciplinary team that took on multiple regional, state, and local policy challenges. While there, Ivan wrote policy briefs on university town history through the lens of transportation, unreported traffic accidents, and autonomous vehicles, among other subjects. You can learn about OPAL and its work by clicking this link.
Oregon Sea Grant Intern
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife - Nearshore Strategy Team
While interning at ODFW between January and March of 2015, Ivan assisted the Nearshore Strategy Team in the research, editing, and writing of the Oregon Nearshore Strategy Document's ten-year update. The Nearshore Strategy is a guiding yet non-binding document for the state and is instrumental in obtaining certain types of federal funding for conservation and management efforts. You can read about the Nearshore Strategy by clicking this link.
Graduate Research Assistant
Oregon State University
Throughout his master's program, Ivan was employed as a graduate research assistant on a large project dealing with the siting of renewable energy resources in the western United States. The project is chiefly focused on solar energy, and Ivan's main responsibilities focused on developing a literature review and coding qualitative data.
Estuarine Organism Research
Western Oregon University
Ivan worked with Dr. Karen Haberman in the winter and spring of 2013 to catalog benthic invertebrates from the Salmon River Estuary in the Siuslaw National Forest. His duties included organism identification, core sample handling, chemical handling, data entry, and various other laboratory tasks.
Oak Savannah Long-term Ecological Study
Western Oregon University
Ivan worked with Dr. Ava Howard in the fall of 2012 and the winter and spring of 2013 on her research into oak savannah ecology dynamics. His duties included assisting in the field with Granier sap flux probe installation, building Granier probes and associated circuit boards in the lab, and creating tutorial videos and media for constructing the probes and circuit boards.
Educational Theory Research
Western Oregon University
Ivan worked with Dr. Steven Wojcikiewicz as a research assistant in the College of Education at Western Oregon University in 2012. His duties included performing the literature review and writing the first draft of the background section of a research paper aimed at assessing the use of educational theories in the field by teachers of varying experience levels.
Science Editor
Initiative for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies, University of Idaho
Ivan worked with research scientists at the University of Idaho in 2008, writing short essays and summaries of their work for public consumption that were both approachable and informative. He also edited manuscripts of articles that were submitted to scientific publications, graduate theses, and public communications.